Sunday, December 6, 2009


If anyone gets the Smithsonian magazine, look up an article in the September 2009 issue by Susan Orlean, called "Where Donkeys Deliver." It's all about the donkeys in my city, and it's very well-written. I don't know why I hadn't particularly taken note of the donkeys everywhere here, but they are used in the Medina (which is a foot-traffic-only city) for every kind of transportation that can't be done by people. The worst insult in the Arabic language is to call somebody a donkey. Anyway, the article is worth reading.


  1. The article can be found at It really is an interesting read, want to bring home a donkey?

  2. That's the article I was going to mail you with the next letter! Still want a hard copy? Let me know and I'll toss it in the package.

  3. Thanks for finding it online, Evan! As much as we ride donkeys everywhere here, I don't know that I'll have much luck riding one across the Atlantic.

    Steve, I should have known you'd have found this already; you find everything! I do have a hard copy, though. Keep it and show it to everybody in NY.

  4. Louisa pointed me to this article a bit ago. So sad the way hamar are treated here.
