Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Well, it is. I guess I'm not giving away too much.

We had a faculty meeting this morning to discuss the joint opening of the school's first official extra-curricular activity! We have a volleyball game coming up against another school, but that's not a regular activity; we put together a volleyball intermural specifically for this game. My poor seventh graders were stoked for the match, but the only team the other school wanted was the high school team. Rats.

Anyway, this new extracurricular is called the Renaissance Program, and it's a hodge-podge of whatever each teacher feels they can contribute. I love to dance, so I'm going to be teaching dance after school once a week. Somebody's doing drama, somebody readings in French, somebody science experiments. We've really gone from NO extracurriculars, to about 10 - as many extracurriculars as there are teachers.

Also at the faculty meeting, the founder of our school (who is still very much in charge of its development) decided she wanted some classroom time, and had a drawing for one of the teachers to take a day off. Aicha won the drawing, so she gets a day off where Michelle will teach all her classes. Only here. I have to admit, I laughed when I heard the proposition, but I would've been happy to have my name drawn, too!

It's a good day so far. The equation of the day was tough today. One of the seventh graders solved it, but none of the sixth. See if you can get it.

Today is the 14th day of the 10th month, year 2009. Take the 8 digits, 14102009, and make a valid equation by placing one "=" and any other operations you want between any digits you want. Here's the kicker: you can't rearrange any of the digits, or insert or remove any.

So, you could say,
. -14+1^(0) = 12 - 0*9
(The "^" means raised to the power of). Except it doesn't. -13 doesn't equal 12. Make it work! It's a challenge! *throws down glove*


  1. Do the results on each side of the = need to be non-zero? Cause otherwise 2009 is going to be a very boring equation year...
    I'll get back to work and try to solve it for something non-zero during lunch. Love you!

  2. Yes, they do need to be non-trivial. Means no multiplying the whole member to zero, and no raising the whole member to the zero-ith power.

    We've got two entirely unique ways, so far.

  3. I got it!!! My answer is boring though!

    I am posting it on your facebook so as not to ruin everyone's good time!

    Come dance with me?

  4. Beautiful blog. I love the descriptions of your apartment, your school and your students. However, there is no way I will be able to solve The Equation of the Day without some math tutoring! So, will you explain the answer soon? Love you!!!!!

  5. You guys are awesome! We got lots unique, creative answers. Here was the one I originally came up with:


    Then Steve gave me this one:


    Dad emailed this to me:


    Evan facebooked me with the following:


    And Ryan joined in with this solution:

    1+(4*1+0)*2 = 009

    Lots of great answers! We've started equation of the day as a 5-min brain-teaser warm up in most of my math classes now. It's a good creative activity, which I find to be a weakness of the student here. Many of them memorize exceptionally well, but have trouble thinking outside the box. Feel free to post equation-of-the-day solutions on my wall any day you find a particularly interesting valid equation. Nice work, everybody!
