Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Lappy EKG

Candace and Suzanne hosted F'tour last night. We made some pretty impressive food, and by 'we,' I mean Candace and Suzanne made some pretty impressive food. I made spiced cous-cous, and they cooked up chicken with vegetables. We had heavy loaves of khobz broken on plates (how American, plates!) to eat with, and a big bowl of fruit salad! Amy and Emily came over with some friends, and we ate and talked and played games. It was a good time. And we could all speak English, which was a nice change.

Before the cannon-call, I put my computer in the corner on the floor, where I figured it would be out of the way. Here's the fun part: today, Candace discovered it in a pool of water.

It's a two-minute mystery. What happened? Go.

Well, actually I can't answer any questions, except that it has yet to precipitate, and the curtains weren't wet. The current most plausible theory is that a pipe broke in that corner of the room. There's been a puddle there since. My poor lappy is hanging in there, making all kinds of angry noises. I'll let you know if it makes it through to recovery.


We had our first faculty meeting for the elementary school today. The secondary school folk are supposed to be arriving tomorrow, insha'allah. I got two classrooms set up that I think will be mine - they were the science and math rooms last year. The math room is really pretty, but absolutely bare. The science room has about 20 posters of human eyes and the planets, and I think all of them are about a decade old at least. I brought a few with me, and I'm going to assign some projects in the first few weeks of school that involve making posters we can hang up. I've done a lot of independent work in the last week or two,
with the complete knowledge and dread that, when the appropriate authority figure arrives, I may have to throw it all out. On the plus side, I found an awesome kids' book of science experiments I can use, provided I can find some basic chemicals at the Acima...


  1. I wonder if you can do computer CPR? Hope it hangs in there. Who knew that puddles could form spontaneously. The classrooms look bright and cheerful ....I'm sure you will make them work. Love, Patti

  2. Quick, go get a large amount of rice or any other type of dry grain and put your computer in it. The rice, etc, will pull the moisture out of the computer. I saved my phone this way a few weeks ago!
