Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Well, somebody would've been fired by now!

First day down!

Little by little, the school year is coming together, which is crazy because it's already started. We made it through the day, as our director said, with nothing but the usual school-start incidents. We had several classes running on a slightly different schedule, at least two classrooms double-booked, half the computers not yet in the school, none of the textbooks in yet, and all of the teachers given different information about where and when to leave/meet students for various classes.

*sigh of relief*

In America, this would never be allowed. We'd all be fired. But that's just not the way it works here - and it really does work. Differently, but it does.

Keep my students and our communication in your thoughts. Today, I taught the words "policy" and "assignment." To teenagers. The language barrier may be more of a hindrance than I expected, and I want so much to be able to communicate with them freely.


  1. Laura,
    Sounds like an ehausting day. Interesting to see another system "working".
    I will be thinking of you and your students. I bet you will figure the communication out quickly.
    Love, Dad

  2. Part of me wishes that i did not understand the terms "policy" and "assignment". I think school would have been a whole lot easier with out them!!
    I am sure you will get everything figured out and organized soon! Good Luck!
