Monday, September 28, 2009

Moving Day

The new apartment is finally rented, and moving day was on Saturday. I'm struggling here to keep my words optimistic... Some of our furnature was to be supplied by a man who is moving out and selling us his things. This was actually our only furniture. The apartment has a lot of potential - it currently looks very spacious, and it's on the fourth floor, so the rats won't climb up the toilets. I think there's not a lot of work to be done before we get water, and even mention of a water heater getting hooked up, insha'allah.

But there's a lot to do. For example, the deadbolt on the door has been punched through, so there's a small hole in the outside door, and no dead bolt. We are actually not even staying there yet; we went back to our old apartments for another day or two. Please keep me in your thoughts. It looks to be a busy week.


  1. In my thoughts you'll always be, and I hope you do get a deadbolt soon for safety reasons. I'll pray for your continuing safety and comfort. I hope you don't think me a bad person for laughing at the sentence, "it's on the fourth floor, so the rats won't climb up the toilets" it just might have been the best silver lining to a situation I've ever heard. I love that about you =) Look forward to hearing from you soon.
